Friday, February 29, 2008


Vacation Rentals Articles

List on 4 vacation rental websites for 1 low price

I have posted a numbere of Articles on Vacation Rentals on the Compare Owner Holiday Rentals web site, covering a variety of topics including :

How many vacation rentals sites to use ? : how do you decide how many sites on which to list your vacation rental property? This article summarises research we have done with actual vacation rental owners.

Comparing Vacaiton Rentals Sites : there are so many different vacation rentals sites, but how do you choose the right one for your vacation rental property?

Comparing the visitor traffic from vacation rentals sites : Is bigger better? This article analyses how much traffic you can really expect from a vacation rentals site, taking into account the number of other properties listed and the overall visitor traffic to that vacation rentals site.

Feel free to browse these sites and give me your comments.



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